Speaking at Lucene EuroCon

Jan Høydahl will be speaking at Lucene EuroCon in Prague May 20-21st 2010. EuroCon is a new annual conference hosted by Lucid Imagination. In this event the majority of the Lucene/Solr community will come together discussing how search can improve findability & revenue for various types of businesses. Jan will be speaking about “Key topics

Time to upgrade your search?

You have a search solution already. Are you satisfied? Have your needs changed? How long since you evaluated alternatives?

Perhaps it’s time for a faster, bigger, more feature rich, more extensible or more affordable search engine? A migration requires good and structured planning and deep knowledge of the existing solution as well as the target technology.

Solr does GEO search

gisApache Solr is a very capable enterprise search platform, doing most things you would expect from such a solution. But what about GEO sensitive applications like Yellow-pages, maps search, sort by distance to X etc? The big commercial systems such as FAST, Autonomy and Endecca, have it but Apache Lucene/Solr does not seem to support GEO search, or what?