Becoming a committer

The Apache way of developing open source software relies on an active community of users, contributors and developers. All of us can contribute in some way or another. Being a committer means that you participate actively in the software development work and have write access to the source code repository. Each project is lead by a the PMC (Project Management Committee) which consists of some of the committers taking an extra responsibility of staking out the future of the project.

Ny Solr MeetUp gruppe i Oslo

Antall Solr brukere i Oslo vokser og mange har ønsket et miljø rundt open source søk i Tigerstaden. Derfor har nå Cominvent stiftet en MeetUp gruppe sammen med FindWise. Første samling holdes på The Scotsman onsdag 8. juni rett etter arbeidstid, og du kan kjøpe mat og drikke der. Se detaljer og meld deg på

New Solr MeetUp group in Oslo

The number of Solr users in the Oslo area is growing, and many have wished for a better community for open source search in the area. Therefore Cominvent together with FindWise have founded a MeetUp group to gather the Oslo Solr Community. We’ll hold the first gathering at The Scotsman right after work time wednesday

Solr arkitektur-diagram

I Cominvent har vi ofte hatt behov for å visualisere den interne arkitekturen i Apache Solr for å forklare forholdet mellom interne komponenter såvel som data-flyten for dokumenter og spørringer. Resultatet er dette konseptuelle arkitektur-diagrammet som klart viser hvordan Solr forholder seg til applikasjons-tjeneren, hvordan kjernene forholder seg til Solr instansen, hvordan dokumenter sendes inn

Solr architecture diagram

We at Cominvent have often had the need to visualize the internal architecture of Apache Solr in order to explain both the relationships of the components as well as the flow of data and queries. The result is this conceptual architecture diagram, clearly showing how Solr relates to the app-server, how cores relate to a