Attivio promises to bridge the gap between DB and enterprise search

Boston based Attivio ( is founded by ex-FAST key people with Ali Riaz in the driver’s seat, and promises to bridge the gap between traditional Enterprise Search and traditional Databases/Information Warehouses. Being less than two years old, the new company is already making headlines, and time (and customers) will reveal how much is pure product

Rana vs Wium Lie

Note: Links are to Norwegian sites. In a recnt post on Shahzad Rana’s (Microsoft’s most profiled OOXML promoter in Norway) blog, he comments on Håkon Wium Lie’s (Opera Software’s tech director and profiled standards promoter) wording in a comment to VG TV. Here, Lie introduces the term “Microsoft tax” to explain what happens when ordinary

Today is document freedom day (DFD)

Today, March 26th is Document Freedom Day (DFD). The whole computer industry (perhaps except from Microsoft and friends) focus on interoperability and open document formats this day. This of course links nicely into the debate about whether ISO should adopt Microsoft’s fresh OOXML format which basically is an XML-ification of legacy MS-Office binary document formats,

Norweigan search portal releases middleware as GPL

In this blog post, Sesam annonces that their middleware architecture, Sesam Search Application Toolkit (SESAT) is released as open source software. This is the piece of software (written in Java) which sits between the portal (such as and the data sources (such as FAST ESP, Yahoo! or a database) and dispatches in parallel a