What happens to FAST ESP?

After the Microsoft takeover of FAST almost three years ago, it’s been silent and no new updates of ESP. We all know that MS discontinued Linux support, and that the major focus with the FAST technology has been to power the high-end search for Sharepoint 2010. ESP was forked and heavily modified to integrate smoothly with Windows, SQL server, AD, PowerShell and more, and it made the leap to 64 bit – finally!

But what about non Sharepoint users? MS has an offering to them as well, called FAST Search for Internet Sites. Read Comperio’s excellent blog article about it. A bit disappointing that the core is still the more than three year old ESP5.3 wrapped in new MS APIs, but cool that you can still hack the ESP internals..

Fortsatt fokus på FAST->Solr migreringer

En stor del av Cominvent’s prosjekter de siste årene har vært migreringer fra FAST ESP til Solr. Noen kunder har et kostnadsfokus mens andre trenger en søkemotor som kjører på Linux. Uansett grunn, med mer enn 10 års FAST erfaring er Cominvent en autoritet på området og sikrer en vellykket transisjon. Eksempelvis har vi nylig